广州公关活动策划|“净厨魔方 创赢未来” 开力集成灶新品发布会取得圆满成功
广州公关活动策划|“净厨魔方 创赢未来” 开力集成灶新品发布会取得圆满成功
关键词:广州广告公司活动策划| 广州会议活动策划| 广州交流会活动策划| 广州文化媒体发布会策划| 广州交流会活动策划
On December 17, 2019 and December 24, 2019, two new product launches of Kaili integrated cooker with the theme of "clean kitchen magic cube wins the future" were held in Zhongshan headquarters. Mr. Li Linhong, chairman of Kaili kitchen, Mr. Zhu long, marketing director, Mr. Zhang Changqi, integrated kitchen business department, Mr. Chen zhuogo, stainless steel cabinet business department and invited dealers and guests attended the meeting.各方齐聚一堂,共襄盛举,共谋发展,共同见证开力新品的华丽亮相!
在现场嘉宾雷鸣般的掌声伴奏下,会议正式开始!李林鸿董事长作为会议主办方上台致欢迎辞,And around the "industry status and future development trend" made an important speech.
In his speech, Li Dong said, "the impact of e-commerce on the offline, the sinking of big brands, and the endless price war In the cold winter of the market, Kaili needs to constantly adapt to the changes in the market, constantly improve the value of its products, adhere to the brand concept of "making a better life with the spirit of craftsman", and firmly take the road of technological development led by "oil smoke separation".
Finally, on behalf of Kaili headquarters, Li Dong announced new products and presented a heavy congratulation to the new era - "C3 clean kitchen Cube" integrated stove.
At the meeting, Mr. Zhang Changqi of the integrated kitchen business department gave a wonderful speech around the new product of "C3 clean kitchen magic cube", and deeply analyzed the function and value of the four core technologies of "gather, separate, vortex and drain" and the triple independent safety protection of "oil gas electric separation".