会议策划公司 | 第八届上海新徽商年度盛典圆满成功举


 会议策划公司 | 第八届上海新徽商年度盛典圆满成功举

关键词:广州广告公司活动策划| 广州会议活动策划| 广州交流会活动策划| 广州文化媒体发布会策划| 广州交流会活动策划

Seventy years of magnificence, a great China, a great China
Build a dream, a new Huizhou merchant, a sonorous Jiuzhou, a magnificent past
Seventy years of ups and downs is the prosperity of the motherland
70 years of hard work is the era journey of the new Huizhou merchants

On December 22, 2019, the eighth annual grand ceremony of new Huizhou merchants in Shanghai opened a magnificent prologue in the National Anthem of cleaning people's hearts,一舞“金碧徽煌”涌动着现场500多位徽商精英的如火热情,为本次盛典正式拉开了序幕!

Huishang grand scene, the future can be expected! President of the Organizing Committee of the conference: Luo Kejiang, vice president of Shanghai Anhui economic and Cultural Promotion Association and former Minister of the Armed Forces Department of the Standing Committee of Jing'an District Committee, gave a generous speech for the ceremony, briefly describing the seven-year development history of shanghai.com and the ultimate mission of "committed to serving the new Huizhou entrepreneurs in Shanghai",激昂的陈词,深入人心,萦绕在数百位新徽商企业家耳畔,共同倾听着属于新徽商锦绣时代的号角!



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