广告策划公司:突破思维边界,颠覆想象未来丨NEX 3s 5G新品发布会
广告策划公司:突破思维边界,颠覆想象未来丨NEX 3s 5G新品发布会
3月10日,未来无界NEX 3s 5G新品发布会在线上和大家见面。这是我们与Mean Well一起成功打造NEX 3新品发布会之后的又一次通力合作。这一次,我们一起用一场AR跨维度的线上发布将线下感官体验带到了线上。
None of the problems is around, are through. As is the case with the epidemic, so is the industry.
When the online press conference gradually becomes the "normal", everyone in every industry should realize that the online press conference has become more than a temporary, transitional expedient.
In addition to focusing on the product, many eagle-eyed viewers have found the special features of the event.
The lack of atmospheric experience in the release space is the first problem to be solved in the online release.
We created the NEX SPACE, which is full of technology and near future, for the NEX dual screen version and NEX 3. This time we are going to build a NEX SPACE studio that is more in line with the properties of the NEX 3s to demonstrate the super high performance.
我们在东莞的vivo M16车间搭建了一个绿幕空间,用于拍摄和直播;后期借助AR技术,完成视觉环境制作与产品性能展示。
前期与后期同步,现实与虚拟共存,打造电影般的“未来幻境”。这才是完整的、属于NEX 3s的NEX SPACE直播间。
Both offline and online, we want users to know as much about the product as possible. When product experience cannot be achieved through online publishing, we customize online interactive content from the brand/user double perspective and deeply analyze the product, so as to realize effective communication between the brand and users。
Offline release fixed release space and time, to ensure the audience's attention. In order to solve the problem of insufficient audience stickiness and distracted attention in online publishing, we set up a variety of lucky draw links in the process of live broadcasting according to different attributes of different platforms to mobilize users to participate.
We have set up more netlike and participatory interactive forms such as weibo interactive flip, product price guessing, etc., so as to improve user engagement and at the same time make users quickly remember the product benefits, so that the issue of welfare becomes more interesting and effective, and maximizes the output of marketing value.
The importance of visual elements in the offline release conference is needless to say, while the importance of visual elements in the online release has been magnified unprecedentedly due to the lack of sensory experience such as touch and smell.
线上发布会是针对线上属性打造的适合网络生态的发布形式。正如NEX 3s 5G新品发布会是我们为NEX打造的形式专属化、内容情节化、观感影视化的定制解决方案,基于网络平台,符合品牌调性,围绕产品特征,触达目标人群。
It can be expected that after the outbreak, the brands will return to the conference line. So will the online event disappear? Just as the SARS era made the e-commerce economy, 2020 May be an opportunity for online publishing.
We no longer have to choose the online press conference as an alternative, but we can create the same or even higher value in the online press conference as in the offline press conference.