拓源新思广告创新产品线上联合发布会 50000+观看人次!完美收官


 拓源新思广告创新产品线上联合发布会 50000+观看人次!完美收官

“2020创新产品线上联合发布会”在时尚工园2楼直播大厅成功举办。24月24日,由中国服装优质制造商联盟——时尚工园主办,杜邦中国集团有限公司、赛得利、Shanghai shengyi cheng textile co., LTD., guangzhou zhida clothing co., LTD., xintianyuan textile co., LTD
为助力中国服装企业把握市场消费新需求,了解产业发展新趋势,打造时尚产品新势能,本次线上发布会Five executives from leading enterprises in the field of new materials and new product development at home and abroad were 


By analyzing the impact of the epidemic on society and consumer psychology, she believes that "sustainable fashion and environmental awareness" will become the major fashion trend in the textile industry in the post-era. The sustainable ™ SORONA ® fabric materials created by dupont ™ SORONA ® bio-based fiber technology are in line with the trend of development and worthy of enterprise application.
At the same time, ms Helen also hopes to use this green technology to create innovative textile fabrics about human and nature, the green future,唤醒更多品牌和消费者保护地球的意识。 
“开发永续资源,创造美好生活。”随后登台直播的是赛得利市场部战略营销总监陈倢女士。Starting from the company's purpose, she introduced the natural green material selection, leading recycling technology, fabric shaping advantages of ucr cellulose, one of the leaders in the cellulose fiber industry.抗菌性、可持续发展性及供应链管理模式等。
“智者藏器于身,待时而动。抓住转型风口,源头创新。”Ms chan believes that only through the source of innovation, continue to introduce quality products that conform to the market, through more differentiated products to put the green gene into the hearts of brand partners,才能有效推动自身企业的发展。
同时,她还与助阵嘉宾上海马卡乐儿童服饰有限公司商品总监范宇星共同推出优可丝 X  MarColor马卡乐的抗菌面料系列新品,为儿童健康成长保驾护航。
Graphene technology
Smart apparel's innovative trump card
Sun jianyou, chairman of Shanghai shengyi textile co., LTD., highlighted the company's latest graphene protective fabrics、石墨烯防护服、石墨烯发光防护口罩和石墨烯抑菌防袜,通过风趣幽默的讲解方式解锁石墨烯在纺织领域的最新研究与发展态势。 
在直播现场,她推出了公司最新科技面料:Photocatalytic antibacterial and antiviral textile fabric, said the fabric can effectively prevent viruses and inhibit the regeneration of bacteria, children's protective clothing consumers to bring a full sense of "security."
同时,针对童装市场“冬暖夏凉”的刚需,王丹女士还在现场还推出了"Ao rong warmth" winter children's wear and "cool and cool" summer children's wear, a variety of functions and beautiful appearance won the online audience not small response.
“让每一个人享受到更环保的时尚。”Ms. Chen ting, the marketing director of hangzhou xintianyuan weaving co., LTD., is the last speaker of this live event. As the world's largest supplier of color woven fabrics, the new tianyuan color textile fabrics have various advantages such as energy saving and emission reduction, water saving, color difference free, fashion and health.
On the spot, Ms. Chen ting demonstrated the advantages of the color fastness of the new tianyuan color textile fabric by the way of boiling water test.并通过分析2020年面料趋势讲解了新天元色纺面料研发的新品和应用方向,展示出了新天元色纺面料雄厚的开发实力。
最终,通过腾讯直播(1.1万人)、第一纺织网(3.8万+)和华衣网(7334人)三大专业平台的同步直播,共吸引近60000人次观看了本次线上活动!直播间的留言信息更是霸屏显示,Let the speaker and the operation staff fully feel the wide attention and unanimous recognition of the event.

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