拓源新思广告云发布 | 直播间看2020品牌战略线上发布会 千万补贴 ·扶持创业


 拓源新思广告云发布 | 直播间看2020品牌战略线上发布会 千万补贴 ·扶持创业
2020年 一场特别的开局来的突如奇然
危机来临之时 是措手不及 还是危中求机?
How to choose so big brand in children industry market?
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What kind of business is reliable?


21:00 the studio opens for you
More tens of millions of subsidies to support entrepreneurship waiting for you
Innovation joint venture mode highlights advantages in epidemic period
疫情冲击线下实体受挫严重 行业严冬,皇室童缘迅速做出反应。秉持“客户利益永远放在第一位”,Organize the financial team to overcome the difficulties and ensure customer rebates are delivered on time. Due to the innovative pooling mode of "0 inventory", the joint venture customers do not need to bear the inventory risk, and the impact of this outbreak is minimized.。同时公司派出渠道团队为联营合作伙伴对接商场,尽可能协商房租减免, 携手合作伙伴共度难关!
皇室新零售 逆势而上
疫情期间,在全国线下门店营业中止的情况下,Royal child yuan seeks to break through itself, innovate for change, open up new online retail, performance over the same period, crisis into a new opportunity, complete the transformation of the company.总部迅速上线社群秒杀、直播、线上小程序商城等线上新零售创新方式,助力门店销售,实现线下线上融合。
2月25日,皇室童缘试水直播,开启童装直播首秀。Broadcast for the first time and gain the love and recognition of consumers、开播4小时,并收获11.9万粉丝在线观看,达成交易6700+单,再次证明了皇室实力。
拓源新思广告云发布 助疫情下皇室童缘从容面对推出应对举措、创新的新商业模式、业绩指标表现,The innovative new business model and performance indicators also make the company more confident about its development in 2020也让公司对2020年发展更加充满信心。为此举办本次线上发布会,发布全新品牌战略,在新战略指导下抓住新机遇,全力冲刺,邀请更多的合伙伙伴加入,共享儿童产业新红利。

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