拓源新思广告与您逆风20 聚势共赢丨LED线上新品直播发布会圆满结束


 拓源新思广告与您逆风20 聚势共赢丨LED线上新品直播发布会圆满结束

逆风20 聚势共赢

恰此疫情之际,公牛集团五金渠道营销系统抓住时代机遇,于5月8日上午举办了“逆风20 聚势共赢”LED春季新品线上直播发布会。In recent years, the new media industry has developed rapidly and blossomed everywhere. Among them, the live broadcast industry is leading the trend. Its immediacy, interactivity and authenticity make the dissemination of information more intuitive and clear.

逆风20 聚势共赢
随后五金渠道营销系统刘建成总对五金渠道LED发展现状进行分享。两位领导的亲自站台也体现了公司对本次发布会的重视,At the same time, it is also an encouragement to all the staff involved in this project. The press conference officially began at 9:00 am. After the publicity video was played, liu baoliang from the light source product company made an opening speech.
随着直播间的气氛逐渐高涨,发布会来到了最重要的环节——新品发布。本次直播发布会共推出六款产品,分别为24W条形灯贴、36W圆形灯贴、直筒泡、T8 tube, T5 bracket light, office flat light.
In order to let dealers more comprehensive understanding of the product, and then better promote the product, light source brand and product planning department manager tan leping, hardware channel Marketing Department manager liu houjian personally go on to do live broadcast. In more than an hour of live broadcast, the two explained the selling points of each product in detail and answered the audience's most concerned questions one by one.
直播发布会 直播间人气爆表
拓源新思广告与您逆风20 聚力共赢;逐风20 未来可期!

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