

从去年薇娅、李佳琦全网破圈走红,Become the head flow that can talk happily with ma yun,再到今年罗永浩“下海”再创业首场直播带货1.6亿,再到董明珠直播一场销量With 310 million yuan, it equaled gree's annual e-commerce revenue -- online and offline, it seems to be out of step with The Times if we don't talk about live broadcasting
But in the brand in succession to live with goods eager to try at the same time, dong mingzhu, luo yonghao such a star entrepreneur, and li jiaqi such experienced anchors are often turned over, coupled with the rising costs, how to do a live broadcast has become a common headache for brand business proposition.


首要问题在于直播的强实时性:一场直播动辄几个小时,但基本上不会有用户会全程蹲守直播间。Most users don't spend hours listening to anchors talk about products. Even though luo yonghao, for example, watched more than 10 million videos of douyin live streaming in the first day, the online peak was only 2.9 million.
与此同时,实时进场的用户也很难跟进——这也是为什么主播带货一个商品只会讲几分钟,Because the user's attention will not be concentrated in the live broadcast room for a long time, it must be short, flat and fast to achieve the promotion effect
Therefore, the overall narrative of live streaming is completely non-linear and fragmented, which means that live streaming is actually not suitable for brand building: it is difficult to tell a brand story in a few minutes,直播间里的观众也很少会有耐心听单方面的输出。此前一些品牌在这方面的尝试效果也并不好,例如董明珠在抖音首场直播里讲格力和自己的创业故事,从各方面反馈来看,用户就并不买账。因此,在品牌传播上,就必须在直播间外有其他动作来做补充。
一On the other hand, it is very difficult to spread the video content that often lasts for several hours, which has been a hard injury of live broadcasting since the era of live broadcasting in the show field. Even li started streaming live in 2017, but it was the viral spread of the "OMG" short video that ran the chopper. With so many competitors streaming in today,单靠直播本身走红,难之又难。                       
另一方面,直播传播性弱还有一个原因:在于直播“间”的概念下,内外领域分明,两个不同的传播场是完全割裂。直播平台大多没有可供讨论的公域,一个直播间就相当于一个单独的私域流量池,不同的直播间之间彼此It is difficult to form natural interaction, only by connecting wheat and other tools to form the flow. This is why every time li jiaqi live broadcast of the topic point, or have to go on the micro blog hot search to ferment, even li jiaqi apology also get micro blog statement,本质原因还是在于直播本身的传播性差。   
由此也可见,一个完整的“直播”It's not just a few hours in the studio:真正要做好直播,一样要跑完一整个从用户初次触达到留存、长期运营的闭环。
First of all, it is important to build the brand in advance of the launch. Strong instantaneity of live broadcast means a strong sense of ritual: if there is no sufficient warm-up in the early stage of live broadcast, it is difficult to obtain a full and effective flow, and only with sufficient accumulation in the early stage can one's feet be completed in the live broadcast.
The operation of OPPO Find X2 release is quite typical: on weibo, first through the celebrity fan effect, the self-confident eyebrows of li yifeng were heated up to build a brand. Then, the official topic of # OPPO Find X2 was set up, and the brand topic page was used for brand construction to build a "reservoir" in the public domain flow. Then use super fans to preheat the information of the press conference, seize the private domain flow that can reach the target users, and preheat the water for the brand topic.
就连前面提到的OPPO,In this brand identification and the heat of the national level, released in the Find X2 officially began to live and have additional traffic tools on weibo to do a lot of investment, the comprehensive attention intercepting, finally realizes the conference live broadcast amount exceeds 75 million, the topic of reading effect, the importance of attention to traffic tools into leveraged overall leverage.
In addition to the spread of flow tools, their own hot spot ability is also very important.
喜茶这个还算是应势造梗,产品发布类的营销活动,就更需要品牌自发进行精细化的运营策划了。比如说vivo S6在发布前,就利用了代言人刘昊然“自拍黑洞”的外号,再与娱乐类别的大号联动,提前埋梗;等到直播发布会当中,品牌再连线刘昊然用新品自拍“交作业”,一下子就突出了产品“自拍神器”的标签。
这里不得不提的是,要做好直播内容的二次传播, the real interactive public opinion battlefield or in the micro blog and other social media. Consumers may be impulsive consumption in the broadcast room, but may also jump out of the secondary search information, especially mobile phone 3C and other customer price is larger products, at this time the guidance of brand information is very important, evaluation and other multi-directional information will produce secondary effect. After the release of vivo S6, the combined KOL of the whole station exceeded 630, and the total reading volume of 189 million was launched, so as to ensure the global heat after the end of the live broadcast.
In addition to KOL, in the era of KOC's rise, ordinary users and fans had to be taken care of,尤其是为了提高直播的流量复用效率,长期的品牌粉丝群体运营必不可少。直播间内,瞬时沟通互动性强,但单个粉丝很难被照顾到,精细化的客户及口碑运营的功夫设计也必须在直播间外。




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