



6月8日,广州曙光“前所未至·耀美而生”2020曙光医美新品隆重发布。活动广告策划此次新品发布会诠释着不同的人文视角及医美魅力,It integrates cutting-edge technologies and technologies in the medical beauty industry, bringing unprecedented and beauty-oriented feast of new medical products.As a leading medical beauty brand in China, Guangzhou Dawn has a number of disruptive leading technologies in the fields of breast 
and body sculpture, eye and nose and facial features, beauty and rejuvenation, and non-invasive injection.Through years of clinical
广州广告策划 为广州曙光此次新品发布以“前所未至·耀美而生”的理念,为大家带来了六大医美领域产品革新和技术。含括了从中西医内外联治的“活源祛斑”到美


美容外科新品,360MAX全维定制美眼是眼部综合美学塑形,从三大“力量、容量、美学”The beauty of eye extreme customized balance;Guangzhou Shuguang · Rhinoplasty 4.0, which replaces structural reconstruction with functional adjustment and retains more original nasal 
tissue structure, is an innovation of the concept and method of rhinoplasty and leads the field of rhinoplasty in China."Frozen aged 
fat glue needle" introduced the FDA certification technology, frozen fat once, ten years old, can effectively repeat filling up to 20 years, fully realize the beauty, shaping, anti-aging effect.
在定制抗衰年轻化这一求美者需求新趋势领域,童颜光雕+3D颈面部美雕两大项目,成功突破激光治疗与传统注射治疗的局限,It can achieve a youthful appearance for 10000+ beauty seekers by means of no operation, no filling, no injection, no incision, and no scar.Private beauty eagle and traditional Chinese medicine jingluo beauty eagle weight loss is from the beauty of the vision of a better life,从“安全、无痛、无恢复期,不反弹”理念下,为求美者打造岁月不败美人。
此外,高端美牙产品炫齿白,在技术上取得的突破和用户体验上跨越式改善,只需25分钟,spa式美牙体验,食品级植物配方,美白牙齿安全又健康达到高级瓷感白!同时,SPN精准植发,更是行业前沿技艺+艺术的代表,Hair follicle extraction rate +35%, hair follicle planting survival rate
≥98%, let you love beauty from this "plant" letter full marks.
Much-anticipated, four new dawn appreciate officer to attend, together witness the medical beauty industry event, glamour goddess the first dawn the new technology, experience to the dawn of new products to bring their own beautiful metamorphosis gave great praise, have expressed, provide targeted beautiful scheme to dawn, will be able to comprehensive promote the personal image, enhance self-confidenceThis new product case free recruitment work, is the dawn create beautiful original intention, is also the dawn constant purpose. It 
will be in four departments of the hospital,涵盖五官精雕、形体雕塑、眼鼻胸部修复、皮肤美容、美容牙科等五大医疗美容体系,16大医美新品案例招募参与到其中。将联合上游医美生态调动医疗资源共享,切实用美丽构建和谐社会,以一系列实实在在的行动回馈爱美人士。

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